
To be the leading guild in trenchless technologies for underground infrastructure, recognized and a technical reference in Latin American Spanish-speaking countries, contributing to the community with the benefits offered by these technologies.


We are a non-profit technical association, specialized in trenchless technologies and underground infrastructure, linked to the International Society for Trenchless Technology (ISTT), which promotes and advances training, promotion, dissemination and research of these technologies, by means of the accomplishment of academic events and fairs directed to the professionals, companies and organizations of the sector. We advance guidance to public service entities, associations and academic institutions of Colombia in the implementation of trenchless technologies, highlighting the environmental, social and mobility benefits, among others, that these offer, compared to traditional excavation. We contribute to the modernization of the infrastructure for transformation into smart cities that coexist harmoniously with sustainable economic development through the use of innovative technologies that reduce CO2 emissions. We represent our members socially and professionally, and we promote their growth and the continuous improvement of the quality of goods and services.


Integrity, Trust, Transparency, Innovation, Service.



  1. Promote the use of trenchless technology and underground infrastructure in the diagnosis, location, installation, rehabilitation and renewal of service networks for public and private companies.
  2. Encourage cooperation and solidarity among members.
  3. Stimulate the associative spirit between companies and educational institutions in the sector.
  4. Ensure that the environmental and social impact decreases compared to conventional excavation.
  5. To strive for the continuous improvement of the quality of the goods and services provided and provided by the members.
  6. Represent our members socially and professionally.


  1. Organize activities with public, private and mixed entities to train the collaborators of the associates.
  2. Provide partners with communication and access to information sources.
  3. Join efforts with other national and international entities of underground infrastructure to work together on programs, campaigns and activities of mutual interest.
  4. Promote and encourage the meeting with professionals, associations, companies and other organizations in compliance with the objectives.
  5. Promote the increase of contracting of trenchless technologies in cities and towns.
  6. Support national universities so that they can carry out undergraduate and postgraduate training programs, deepening courses by technology and technical entities such as the National SENA Training Service in Colombia to train operators of trenchless technology equipment.
  7. Through alliances with universities and international associations, to obtain high-level professional courses and access to trenchless laboratories.
  8. Build the manual of unified technical standards in the region to facilitate the contracting and receipt of works to ensure the quality of the use of technologies without trench.
  9. Activate committees on issues of quality, industrial safety and occupational health, competitiveness, environmental, research, standardization and publications to continuously improve the good practices of the affiliates' activities.
  10. Participate in the publication of books, manuals, guides, magazines and articles of Trenchless in Spanish and make the congress and Latin American exhibition of technology without ditch-NO DIG LATAM- as the event that identifies the Association.
  11. Link new affiliates of Colombia and Spanish-speaking Latin American countries to the union, to ensure their existence over time.
  12. Have more visitors and queries from the website in which partners and the professional and technical community can find different technologies as a source of study, executed works, statistics, updated information on new developments, the list of technical standards, comparative technologies according to the activity in which they are to be used.
  13. Create a global network of contacts in social networks to communicate in real time the facts and news highlights of the sector.
  14. Participate and attend the annual general assembly of the ISTT, to maintain cooperation with affiliated companies, contact highly qualified professionals and promote participation in our events.
  15. To strive for the continuous improvement of the quality of the goods and services provided and provided by the members.

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LAMSTT - Cero emisión CO2

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