NASSCO BAMI-I ISTT - The International Society for Trenchless Technology Wompi Asamblea

Latin American Society for Trenchless Technology - LAMSTT. We are the Latin American Trade Union Organization, non-profit, of a technical nature, which promotes the development of Trenchless Technologies for the underground infrastructure of the Public Services of water, sanitation, electricity, internet, telephone and home gas.

Founded in the years 2009 - 2010, ICTIS is a multidisciplinary Institute of individuals and organizations with professional interests in environmental issues and services in the areas of Trenchless and Subterranean Infrastructure Technologies.

In June 2021 the association name changed and the Latin American countries were linked in a society called Latin American Society for Trenchless Technology LAMSTT (NIT: 900302779-1).

The institute is a member of the ISTT - International Society for Trenchless Technology and shares the same basic interests of environmental and socials. LAMSTT’ members are automatically members of the ISTT.

Board of Directors

  • Carlos Andres Munera (President)
  • Juan Fernando Pareja (Vice President)
  • Juan Fernando Pareja [E] (Delegate Colombia)
  • Daniela Alejandra Sotomayor (Ecuador Delegate)
  • Carlos Antonio Villegas Chicano (Delegate Peru)
  • Felipe José Antivilo Andrade (Delegate Chile)
  • Luis Guillermo Maldonado
  • Ricardo García
  • Mario Perez
  • Luis Alberto Jaramillo
  • Maria Jaqueline Espinosa
  • Roberto Zillante
  • Alberto Florez
  • Mateo Borrero

Política de protección de datos personales

LAMSTT - Cero emisión CO2

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