NASSCO BAMI-I ISTT - The International Society for Trenchless Technology Wompi Asamblea

The Latin American Society for Trenchless Technology LAMSTT, committed to transparency in its activities, it has developed this CODE OF CONDUCT to be complied with as principles and values of the organization and in compliance with current legislation.

1. Compliance with Laws, Rules and Regulations

We respect the law at all times

LAMSTT and its employees are governed by law. Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations should never be compromised. In addition, employees must adhere to internal rules and regulations as they are applicable in a given situation.

2. Conflicts of interest

A Conflict of Interest occurs when the personal interests of an employee or the interests of a third party compete with the interests of LAMSTT. In this situation, it may be difficult for the employee to act fully in the best interests of LAMSTT. Whenever possible, employees should avoid Conflicts of Interest. If there has been a Conflict of Interest or if an employee is faced with a situation that may involve or give rise to a Conflict of Interest, the employee must report it to his immediate superior.

3. External management and other external activities

We are proud of the reputation of LAMSTT and we also consider the best non-profit purposes in our work and outside activities. Activities should not be carried out outside LAMSTT if they interfere with the responsibilities of employees towards LAMSTT, or if they involve a risk to LAMSTT's reputation or if in any other way they are in conflict with LAMSTT's corporate purpose.

4. Families and relatives

Direct family members and partners of employees may be hired as employees, vendors or consultants only if their appointment is based on their qualifications, performance, competitive services rendered. It will be the president who verifies this relationship and hiring.

5. Insider information handling

Transparency, confidentiality and reliability are the principles that govern the handling of privileged information.

6. Money laundering

LAMSTT will comply with money laundering legislation and will never knowingly participate in a money laundering scheme. You will use the legally established financial system for your transactions. LAMSTT is committed to reporting suspicious situations of money laundering or terrorist activities.

7. Human rights

LAMSTT will comply with the universal declaration of human rights adopted by the United Nations. LAMSTT has a zero-tolerance approach to child labor and modern slavery. LAMSTT promotes health, hygiene and protection of the environment. LAMSTT respects the diversity of gender, culture, religion and politics. LAMSTT does not participate in discrimination movements of any kind.

8. Business integrity

LAMSTT promotes healthy competition among its members and does not carry out activities in which members feel competed, because the objective is the promotion, dissemination, training, and research for the development of the trenchless construction industry.

Política de protección de datos personales

LAMSTT - Cero emisión CO2

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