NASSCO BAMI-I ISTT - The International Society for Trenchless Technology Wompi Asamblea

Being a member of LAMSTT provides great opportunities for professionals from public and private entities that have an interest and wish to be in connection with the world of Ditchless Technologies and technologies in the construction of Underground Infrastructure:


  • Only through the LAMSTT Association, is it automatically linked to the International Society of Trenchless ISTT Technology and with this it achieves access to the universe of international companies in the sector of public services and technology without ditch.
  • With his relationship with LAMSTT, he acquires contact with all ISTT affiliates and receives support in the projects to be carried out. The selection of affiliates has a filter for admission with the purpose of ensuring good practices of transparency and qualification of the goods and services offered.
  • He benefits from permanent advertising in all events, materials, promotional videos that he presents in his national and international activities, highlighting him as a sponsor. This represents a contribution to your brand.


  • The link to LAMSTT allows him to aspire to be part of the ESC subcommittee and chair the board director of the ISTT International Trenchless Technology Society.
    The possibility of participating in the international conferences that take place every year in a different country and continent organized by the ISTT International Trenchless Technology Society. These events are attended by public service companies, contractors, manufacturers of equipment and supplies, universities, consultants, etc., with whom you can interact and share mutual interests or develop joint projects.
  • Participation in the general assembly of LAMSTT associates every year where they will know the state of the activities related to the technologies, the advances in the country and choose the board of directors with the opportunity to be part of it.
  • LAMSTT makes alliances with prestigious national and international entities to share knowledge and participate in the events together to promote the activity of the associates.


  • By having the experience of all the associates and participating in the ISTT, we generated a network of support and technical advice.
  • Accompaniment and attention to the concerns of members.
  • Participation in technical committees on technologies and their standardization. Promotion of research work with national and foreign universities where work is carried out that contributes and resolves technical concerns to the associates.
  • You will constantly receive information and news related to the sector, about research, developments and new technologies in the country.
  • They are provided with an access code to the user area for the LAMSTT website ( and the ISTT ( exclusive website where the reports of conferences and research are located.
  • On social networks: Twitter (@ ICTIS1) and Facebook (Arlex Cistt Ictis) we publish and share news and press releases of interest to our activity with all the affiliates.


  • Participation in Conferences, seminars, Trade Shows, Trade Shows and National and International No-Dig Conferences at reduced prices due to their quality of associates.
  • Tender information on Technology without trench.


  • Legal Entities that carry out the activity or are directly related to the objectives promoted by the association, privately owned public service companies and operators or administrators of privately owned public service companies.
  • They receive the benefits of an affiliate and make their contributions exclusively through their annual maintenance fees.


  • Affiliated Educational Institutions that are interested in the subject and supporting the research and development processes of the sector.


  • Individuals, mostly Engineers interested in the Trenchless Technologies sector.


  • Natural Persons, undergraduate and postgraduate students in the field of engineering or related, receive the benefits of an affiliate and make contributions with special fees.


  • Utility companies owned by the local government.
  • They have no membership fee or annual support.
  • They receive the benefits of the affiliates in the participation of events.
  • They have a voice, but they do not have a vote in decisions.
  • To be linked to the ISTt, they must pay the value of the membership to ISTT as a corporate member.

What is the cost of affiliation and its validity?

The cost of membership depends directly on the type of membership you choose, like this:

  • Business Member: USD 400
  • Educational Institution Member: USD 400
  • Individual (Natural Person): USD 115
  • Undergraduate student: USD 50
  • Canceling this value your membership will be valid for 1 year from the date of payment.

The partners have the following rights:

  • Take part in the General Assemblies of Members with voice and with vote.
  • Choose and be elected to management positions.
  • Propose in writing as many suggestions as they deem appropriate.
  • Request information from the governing bodies about the progress of the association.
  • To enjoy all the rights that as a member of the association correspond to, as established by the competent bodies and laws and by the norms of the internal regime.

Paragraph: Individual members "students" may attend the assemblies with voice and without vote. They will not be able to elect or be elected to management positions..

The duties of the partners are:

  • Actively participate in the programs that the LAMSTT Association will take forward.
  • Cancel periodic and timely annual support fees to the LAMSTT Association.
  • Diligently perform the charges for which they were elected.
  • Strive to maintain communication and teamwork among their fellow partners.
  • Attend the ordinary and extraordinary meetings of the General Assembly of Members and, in the case of being an active member, participate with voice and vote in the deliberations that take place, with the possibility of remaining silent if you prefer.


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