NASSCO BAMI-I ISTT - The International Society for Trenchless Technology Wompi Asamblea

Public or private companies of public services have in our organization an ally to offer quality and the best level of service to their users with less impact to the community in their commercial activity, pollution and mobility. We offer them innovation and updating in their processes to position themselves at the highest level regardless of the size of the company.

LAMSTT - Latin American Society for Trenchless Technology - Asociación Latinoamericana de Tecnologías Sin Zanja

Consulting for the reduction of non-revenue water losse

"Non-billed water losses on average in Latin American countries are between 40%-60%, a situation that threatens the financial situation of public aqueduct service companies, whether they are operated by the local government or by private companies. The solutions are not long in coming. There are many efforts that some companies make without achieving the expected results. Our organization has the methodology to carry out an effective plan to reduce non-revenue water losses and with experts and companies that have state-of-the-art tools to diagnose, locate and correct losses with trenchless technologies. Most losses are due to leaks, fraudulent connections, or pipe damage. We focus on these failures. We do not include the subject of meters. Let us help you."

Reduction Consulting of unbilled water losses


Subway asset management aqueduct and sewerage

Associated with BAMI-I (Buried Asset Management Institute-International), we offer international and national experts to contribute in the development and implementation of management plans and results in the short (5 years), medium (10 years) and long term (15 years). In countries such as Colombia it is regulated and mandatory (see Resolution CRA 906 of 2019).

Instituto Internacional de gestión de activos de los Estados Unidos de Norte América BAMI-I (Buried Asset Management Institute-International)

Implementation of standards for sewer pipeline inspections with CCTV

Associated with the National Association of Sewer Service Companies of the United States of America NASSCO INC (National Association of Sewer Service Companies) we offer training courses and implementation of PACP/MACP/LACP standards.

The advantages of having this standard are: unification of language between public entities, contractors and consultants. It allows them to make comparative inspections, provides the ability to use different inspection programs, since inspection data can be imported and exported without problems, professionalizes and increases productivity in inspections, allows presenting the results in a geographic information system, and classifies the condition of the pipes for the decision of rehabilitation or change.

It is the fundamental information for asset management.

Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Alcantarillado de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica NASSCO INC (National Association of Sewer Service Companies)

Comisión de Regulación de Agua Potable y Saneamiento Básico

Política de protección de datos personales

LAMSTT - Cero emisión CO2

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