NASSCO BAMI-I ISTT - The International Society for Trenchless Technology Wompi Asamblea

The Latin American Society for Trenchless Technology LAMSTT, committed to transparency in its activities, it has developed this ANTI- CORRUPTION AND ANTI-BRIBERY POLICY to be complied with as principles and values of the organization and in accordance with current legislation.

Policy Statement

LAMSTT business philosophy, and its growth strategy in the different countries in Latin America, requires the highest international standards; in addition to an unrestricted compliance with the local and international regulatory framework.
For these reasons, they have adopted within their business principles and practices, policies aimed at structuring their operations within a framework of ethics and transparency that guarantee the continuity and sustainability of the business, also seeking to safeguard the reputational capital, contributing and positively impacting to the communities where it operates.
The purpose of the Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Policy is to publicly declare its commitment to acting ethically and transparently before its stakeholders and conducting its business in a socially responsible manner, acting with a philosophy of zero tolerance for any act of corruption and bribery.
This policy is applicable to all employees, as well as to all related parties and interest groups, understood as: clients, suppliers, affiliates, contractors, subcontractors; and in general to all those with whom a commercial, contractual or cooperative relationship is established directly or indirectly.

1. Definitions

Corruption: any act, attempt or deliberate omission to obtain a benefit for oneself or for third parties to the detriment of organizational principles, regardless of the financial effects on companies.
Bribery: Offering, promising or giving something of value to another person, directly or indirectly, with the intention of inducing that person to act inappropriately in the performance of their duties or Request, agree to receive, or accept anything of value from another person, directly or indirectly, with the intention of inducing the recipient to act inappropriately in the performance of their duties (i.e., passive bribery).

2. General Principle

As a general principle, the organization does not accept, promote, honest or cover up corruption or bribery, and declare its firm commitment to conduct its business in a transparent manner and without resorting to this type of practice.

3. Functions and responsibilities

Employees. Employees must know and comply with the Code of Conduct, related policies, and their obligations under this Policy. Employees should immediately report violations, suspected violations, or questions regarding this Policy to the Ethics and Compliance area.
Directors. They must ensure that employees under their supervision are aware of and comply with this Policy.
Board of Directors. The Board of Directors, as the highest governing and control body, will define the Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery policy and will keep it updated in accordance with the periodic reviews that are carried out. He will be responsible for following up on the complaints that are brought to his knowledge about acts of corruption or bribery and for ordering the investigations that are appropriate in order to identify the sources that allowed the materialization of the risks and provide feedback to the respective owners of processes on those vulnerabilities.
Presidency. The Presidency will be responsible for the implementation of the policy, seeking, motivating and facilitating its incorporation into the company's management models. For this, the necessary cultural transformation programs will be carried out so that this policy, rather than an internal regulatory requirement, is consolidated as part of the institutional philosophy and culture.

4. Fundamental Provisions of Anti-Corruption Laws

Employees may not receive, offer, promise to pay, pay or authorize Inappropriate Payments to any person, including Government Officials, with the intention of obtaining or retaining business, securing an improper advantage, or influencing the actions or decisions of Government Officials. We cannot request, accept or agree to receive anything of value, if the item is intended or appears to be intended to gain an improper business advantage.

5. Help, advice and guidance

LAMSTT makes the ethical line available to stakeholders with its different channels, total independence, transparency, confidentiality and reliability are guaranteed. Any complaint or query that is raised to the Board of Directors may be submitted anonymously and in the event that whoever lodges it wishes to identify himself, LAMSTT is committed to protecting the complainant and to guaranteeing an environment free of retaliation.

Ethical line

All collaborators, suppliers, clients are encouraged to ask questions, seek guidance and report any known or suspected infraction, whether of this Code, or actual or potential infractions of the laws, regulations, statutes and other policies of the organization.
To share information or concerns regarding ethical principles, regular channels must be followed, starting with the immediate boss, the Board of Directors or the Presidency. LAMSTT makes available to all stakeholders, different channels to access the ethical line, such as:
- Telephone line: +57 1 8764675
- E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Web:
LAMSTT will carry out a full, impartial and exhaustive review and / or investigation, as appropriate, of all reports, making its best efforts at all times to protect the privacy and dignity of employees and any other external person involved.

6. Disciplinary actions and violations

Compliance with the provisions of the policy is mandatory for all employees, any deliberate or intentional breach of it will be considered a serious offense and will be sanctioned in accordance with internal regulations, without prejudice to the provisions of local laws.

7. Validity

This Policy will be reviewed annually by the Board (s) of Directors (s), and any change will be communicated to all collaborators, as well as to stakeholders through the publication of it on our web portal or any other means of communication that is determined. The Policy will enter into force once it is published and prior formal approval of the Board of Directors.

Política de protección de datos personales

LAMSTT - Cero emisión CO2

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