NASSCO BAMI-I ISTT - The International Society for Trenchless Technology Wompi Asamblea

Explosión de tuberia de gas cerca de una estación de servicio causado por una retroexcavadora

The issuance of the PREVIOUS EXCAVATION PERMIT is urgent to prevent frequent accidents and explosions. Non-invasive technologies such as ground-penetrating radar are very fast in obtaining the plan and facilitate the work of investigating the existence of underground pipes in such a way that there are no delays in the works.

In the United States it is mandatory to pass the ground-penetrating radar and detect the pipes by calling 811 to authorize the excavation. The Latin American Association of Trenchless Technologies trains and guides in the use of ground-penetrating radar. (Georadar Course).

News source: Bogotá Tránsito

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LAMSTT - Cero emisión CO2

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