NASSCO BAMI-I ISTT - The International Society for Trenchless Technology Wompi Asamblea

BAMI-I introduces CTAM program to Latin America

On August 22, during the Instituto Colombiano de Tecnologías de Infraestructura Subterránea (ICTIS) Conference in Cartagena, Colombia, BAMI-I officially introduced its Certification of Training in Asset Management (CTAM) program in Latin America.

Colombia is one of the pioneers of the trenchless technology industry in Latin America.

By: The Trenchless Technology Center (TTC)

Dr. Tom Iseley, BAMI-I Chairman and TTC director, was Guest Speaker at the ICTIS Conference, invited by Mr. Arlex Toro Rodriguez, Executive Director ASOCIACION ICTIS/CISTT. Dr. Iseley delivered a presentation covering an introduction and overview of the CTAM program and trenchless technology design & construction considerations for new pipeline installations and renewal.

BAMI-I will translate the 4 CTAM courses into Spanish, continuing to serve its industry partners in Latin America, with the goal of having presence in more Spanish-speaking countries and sharing knowledge of asset management and trenchless technology.

Buried Asset Management Institute International (BAMI-I)

The Buried Asset Management Institute International (BAMI-I) is a non-profit corporation whose main purpose is to educate and assist those who have an interest in applying best buried asset management practices to extend the life and efficiency of their assets. Although BAMI-I has been mainly focused on water and wastewater systems, the principles of asset management apply to all different types of buried assets including for instance gas distribution pipes, electric cables.

Good buried asset management practices will:

  • Maximize life-cycle value of assets
  • Sustain economic development
  • Protect public health
  • Improve the environment
  • Enhance the quality of life

The purpose of BAMI-I is to provide a center of excellence for owners of under- ground water infrastructure to join with industry and researchers, using sound science, to evaluate and/or develop buried asset management protocols for application worldwide.

Certification in Training of Asset Management (CTAM)

The Certification of Training in Asset Management (CTAM) is an exclusive four part series in Asset Management course-work and certification. The CTAM program was developed by BAMI-I in conjunction with the TTC (Trenchless Technology Center) at Louisiana Tech and IUPUI (Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis), in partnership with UIM: Water Utility Infrastructure Management, and is hosted by the Trenchless Technology Center at Louisiana Tech. CTAM is offered online and per request in classroom format. More than 650 individuals from 14 countries have enrolled in the CTAM program.

The CTAM program Certification Board is chaired by Richard Thomasson P.E. , Arcadis, BAMI-I Vice Chair, and MASTT Chair. Also serving on the Certification Board are Kurt Wright, SDG Engineering, CTAM-400 Chair; Jim Harris, Jacobs Engineering, CTAM- 300 Chair; Ronald Thompson, Southeast Engineering & Consulting; and Tod Phinney, Souder, Miller & Associates.

Requirements and application information are available online ( for the three levels of certification available – Certificates of Completion, and the Associate Water Asset Manager (AWAM) and Professional Water Asset Manager (PWAM) designations. To date 55 AWAM and 15 PWAM certifications have been awarded.

Benefits of CTAM Courses to Professional Engineers

CTAM Courses benefit Professional Engineers with years of experience in management of underground asset infrastructure. Most State Licensing Boards require PDHs for PE license renewal. It is up to the individual to verify that the Board for the State she/he is seeking license renewal will allow the CTAM course certifications. Many PEs who have years of experience in water and wastewater systems have never developed and implemented formalized asset management plans. These courses are developed by industry professionals for industry professionals. Many of the course development professionals are PEs with many years of experience.

Benefits of CTAM Courses to Municipalities

Municipalities benefit from participating in CTAM training and certification process. One benefit of these courses and certifications derived by smaller municipal systems may be related to the difficulty they have attracting/training/retaining highly skilled professionals to manage their underground asset infrastructure. The CTAM courses allow them to cost- effectively train inexperienced staff. It also provides a basis to recognize and reward individuals who attain the AWAM and/or PWAM certifications. This system of training and certifications also assists smaller municipalities with the hiring process and pay slotting for open positions.

The principles and practices of water asset management taught in the CTAM courses are appropriate for all sizes of utilities both public and private. BAMI-I makes a special effort to emphasize that this material was developed with a commitment to provide value to the 93% of utilities that serve fewer than 10,000 customers.

Source: MSTT

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