The Latin American Society for Trenchless Technology LAMSTT, welcomes its newest AFFILIATE MEMBER: to the lawyer and civil engineer Luis Alberto Arias Martinez from Colombia.
The Latin American Society for Trenchless Technology LAMSTT, welcomes its newest ALLIED MEMBER: the institution AECI (Asociación de Egresados de la Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito) from Colombia.
The Latin American Society for Trenchless Technology LAMSTT, welcomes its newest AFFILIATE MEMBERS: the companies HERRENKNECHT CHILE from Chile and TRABAJOS INDUSTRIALES Y MECÁNICOS C.A. from Colombia.
The Latin American Society for Trenchless Technology LAMSTT, welcomes its newest AFFILIATE MEMBERS: the company HWM LATINOAMÉRICA as Representative in Latin America (Spain), the Eng. Luis Miguel Ruiz Ramirez from Colombia and to the new ASSOCIATE MEMBER the TRIPLE A company of Barranquilla, Colombia.
The Latin American Society for Trenchless Technology LAMSTT, welcomes its newest AFFILIATE MEMBERS: the company INTUB SPA from Chile and the Eng. Sergio Fernandez Vaglio from Costa Rica.
The Latin American Society for Trenchless Technology LAMSTT, welcomes its newest AFFILIATE MEMBER: the company PERFOTECNICA SAC from Perú and the Eng. Verónica Álvarez from Colombia.